Just for Fun

Fun Facts about Harry!

Harry went on X Factor in 2010. Prior to his appearance, he used to work at the W Mandeville Bakery in Cheshire. Harry also has a few hidden talents - he can juggle and play the kazoo.

Click here to find out which Harry you are!

harry styles x factor
X-factor Harry

If you answered mostly A's, you are most similar to X-factor Harry! You are a big home body. You love being cozy and comfortable! Your humble and hard-working attitde is awesome! Keep going!

One Direction Harry

If you answered mostly B's, you are most similar to One Direction Harry! You are go, go, go! You follow your dreams and don't look back. You are also always down for a snack break. You are such a fierce and lively friend.

harry styles one direction long hair
harry styles hs1
HS1 Harry

If you answered mostly C's, you are most similar to HS1 Harry! You are currently in your "finding yourself" era. Trying new things, going off on your own, and deciding what you like, Very adult-y!

Fine Line Harry

If you answered mostly D's, you are most similar to Fine Line Harry! You are currently looking for excitement everywhere! When you walk in a room, a party follows soon after! (Yes, the party has disco balls everywhere!)

harry styles fine line
harry styles harry's house
Harry's House Harry

If you answered mostly E's, you are most similar to Harry's House Harry! You have been working hard for what you want for a really long time, and are finally at a place where you feel like you can rest! Go ahead, sit for a while, make some tea and some toast. You deserve it.